If your garage door is causing you discomfort and inconvenience by running slowly and heavily, it may be a sign that your garage door needs replacing. Garage doors come in different shapes, types and models, with each coming with different features and functions. So, it’s important that you’re aware of exactly what you need. Bearing this in mind, we have made a list of some points that you should keep in mind when buying a new garage door. Let’s go through them one by one below:
If a garage door you’re about to buy doesn’t have any advanced security features, it means you’re investing in a pen without ink. Providing your property with security and safety against potential intruders is one of the main roles of a garage door. You should look for a garage door that is less susceptible to theft attempts. Prefer taking garage doors that have openers with rolling-code technology, which helps change security code every time someone uses the opener. This will go a long way toward preventing intruders stealing your door opener code.
Door Design
You’re serious about your curb appeal and want a particular design that blends with your exterior? Do you want a solid garage door panel, or would you prefer a door with windows? Garage doors come in different design and styles, so take your time selecting the one matching your criteria.
Motor Power
Be sure to look at the horsepower ratings on the door opener. The horsepower varies from model to model. If you’re looking to buy a heavy garage door, you’ll need a motor with higher horsepower. If your door is lightweight, going with a motor with higher horsepower capacity may be too much.
When it comes to garage repair, Wayne Bailey is the go-to guy. He’s been tinkering with garage doors since forever, and his knowledge is second to none.